Safety Tips For Meeting Your Online Dating Match

Meeting an online dating match for the first time can be nerve-wracking. Whether you met them through a dating app or through a friend, you want to ensure everything runs smoothly and safely before you head out on your date. Here are some safety tips from relationship counselors and dating sites about meeting an online dating match:

1. Avoid Sharing Personal Information

It can be tempting to open up on your profile a bit more than necessary, especially if there’s something exciting you both share in common. But remember: sharing too much makes it easier for someone else to identify you and stalk you. Even with tight privacy settings, someone could still discover information about you that you don’t want them knowing.

2. Avoid Utilizing the Same Photo on All Accounts

It can be easy for someone to perform a reverse image search and view your pictures on social media or even your website. Therefore, avoid using the same photo for dating accounts as well as all other accounts.

3. Check Their Background

Before meeting someone, do a Google search to learn more about them. Look into their contact information and any criminal records they have – if applicable. This way, you’ll know who to expect when you meet up!

4. Get to Know Your Match Before the First Date

One of the best ways to ensure you feel secure with an online date is by getting to know them better. Ask them questions about themselves, their interests and hobbies so you can get an idea of how they might act during a date and identify any red flags or issues which make you uncomfortable. Doing this makes it easier for both of you to determine whether there are any red flags present that need further investigation or clarification.

5. Always Meet In a Public Place

When meeting someone for the first time, don’t agree to them picking you up or calling an Uber. Doing so makes it easier for them to determine where you live and could put you at risk should they decide to break into your home or take possession of any valuable items. 5. Opt For Public Meetings
Make sure all meetings take place outside of your home when possible.

6. Don’t Share Your Location Unless They Say It’s Safe

When engaging in online conversations, it can be easy to become distracted and lose track of where you are going. To stay safe, keep track of your location on your phone and tell a friend where you plan on going so they can assist with navigation.

7. Meet in a Public Place

When meeting someone for the first time, it’s essential to choose an area that isn’t too crowded or dark. Examples of suitable public areas include restaurants, cafes, theaters or parks.

8. Avoid Meeting in a Public Place Before the Date

Before agreeing to meet an online dating match for the first time, never agree to have them pick you up or call for a ride. Doing so makes it easier for them to discover where you live and could put you at risk. 8. Limit Contact Before Meeting the Date

When scheduling dates with potential matches, avoid meeting in public places whenever possible.